Would Jesus be a Laurel or Yanny?
Sam Chanmorals, ethics, objectivism, relativism, subjectivism, internet phenomenon, blue gold dress, laurel, yanny, john 1, john 1:1
Australian Cricket - All balls but no brain- What were you thinking?
Sam Chancheats, morals, ball tampering, australia, matthew 7, cricket, individualism, ethics, truisms, western, matthew 7:3
If we do the math - Jesus has a long ways to go
Sam Chanethics, relativism, realism, objectivism, john 14:6, culture, america, australia, math, lego, way
What would Obi-Wan say to Captain America and Iron Man?
Sam Chanway, truth, life, obi-wan kenobi, obi-wan, star wars, anakin skywalker, anakin, captain america, iron man, avengers, civil war, superheroes, ethics, subjectivism, objectivism, absolutes, john 14:6