Why we love Ted Lasso
Sam Chanted lasso, high five, comedy, america, england, culture, accuser, satan, advocate, 1 John 1, 1 John 1:1-2, Revelation 12, Revelation 12:10
The Politics of the Toilet Roll. What we can learn from Trump, Clinton and the USA Elections
Sam Chantrump, clinton, usa, elections, toilet paper, toilet roll, relativism, objectivism, absolutes, culture, self-righteousness, john 8:12
What would Beyonce say to Jesus?
Sam Chanbeyonce, culture, be yourself, true to yourself, passion, light, judge, john 9:39, halo, single ladies, lemonade, formation
If we do the math - Jesus has a long ways to go
Sam Chanethics, relativism, realism, objectivism, john 14:6, culture, america, australia, math, lego, way