Why Asians (and Everyone) Must Watch "Belfast"
Sam Chanbelfast, the troubles, kenneth branagh, china, hong kong, refugees, ukraine, cultural revolution, riots, home, safety, security, luke 19, luke 19:10, john 1, john 1:9-14
Why Jesus was a Bogan
Sam Chanbogan, holden, torana, elite, nazareth, galilee, Word, Flesh, john 1, john 1:45-56, johnn 1:14
The Phantom Menace: The Racist Origin Story We Had to Have
You hate to see it. But you don't!
Sam Chanmeme, laugh, joke, john 1, john 1:14, 2 corinthians 5, 2 corinthians 5:21, isaiah 55, isaiah 55:11-13, logos
Would Jesus be a Laurel or Yanny?
Sam Chanmorals, ethics, objectivism, relativism, subjectivism, internet phenomenon, blue gold dress, laurel, yanny, john 1, john 1:1