The Phantom Menace: The Racist Origin Story We Had to Have
Solo - but what if I could do with a bit of company?
Sam Chansolo, star wars, han solo, chewbacca, trust, faith, loneliness, isolation, individualism, matthew 28, matthew 28:20, luke 7, Luke 7:50
Star Wars 'Rogue One' is Hopeless without Hope - So are We
I am a wookie - hear me RRAAWWRR
Sam Chanstar wars, chewbacca, wookie, candace payne, laugh, laughter, comedy, tragedy, transgressions, harm, luke 6:21, psalm 103:12
What would Obi-Wan say to Captain America and Iron Man?
Sam Chanway, truth, life, obi-wan kenobi, obi-wan, star wars, anakin skywalker, anakin, captain america, iron man, avengers, civil war, superheroes, ethics, subjectivism, objectivism, absolutes, john 14:6
What does Yoda teach us about God?