Why we need Simon Cowell

simon cowell covering his ears - image from hercampus.com

American Idol was one of the most successful TV shows ever. It lasted 15 seasons and reached 30 million viewers.

James Poniewozik, New York Times, says that the secret was the judge Simon Cowell. Love or hate him, Cowell was the slap in the face for our culture of self-belief.

For the contestants who say, "I believe in myself, I can fly" - Cowell was the reality check for our can-do spirit.

According to Cowell, "believing in yourself" is not enough. We actually have to be able to sing in tune. No matter how much we believe, we can't fly. If we're out of tune, we're out of tune.

For those of us who say, "I believe in myself, I'm OK" - Jesus is also our reality check.

We're so out of tune with God that Jesus had to come to save us. Love or hate him, Jesus is the slap in the face for our culture of self-belief.

For Jesus, the worst sin is that of self-righteousness.

Instead, Jesus wants us to hear how out of tune we are with God.

And then "Believe in Jesus" and he will make us OK with God.



Luke 18:9-14

Romans 3:22-24