Why we love the mullet

My favourite haircut – the mullet – is back.

Listen to the audible version of this post at: God in Sixty Seconds

Short on the top. Long in the back. Nicknamed as: “Business in the front, Party in the back” or “The Mudflap” or “The Seven”.

It’s the most practical haircut you can ask for. It keeps the hair out of your eyes, while shading your neck from the sun.

But at the same time, people make fun of it. They cannot see its beauty.

I reckon if Jesus was around today, he would have a mullet.

The Bible says of Jesus: He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him, probably because he had a mullet!

Just like the mullet, Jesus was beautiful and precious, but everyone missed it

But if we can go beyond what people say is beautiful and precious, and be brave enough to choose for ourselves, we can find a beautiful new life in Jesus.

So, the next time you see a mullet and do an eye-roll, Just remember they also eye-rolled at Jesus.

Isaiah 53:2

A longer version of this post first appeared here: WWJD? Jesus Would Have a Mullet

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