Espresso Theology

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Am I the Only One Who Can't Do the Rubik's Cube?

I finally taught myself how to do the Rubik’s Cube by learning the algorithms.

Listen to the audible version of this post at: God in Sixty Seconds

But I keep forgetting the algorithms. So I still need my children to solve it for me.

But why do we have this obsession with the Rubik’s Cube?

Why can’t we just leave the Cube messed up?

Because deep down we have a God-given desire for order, design, and beauty.

Things have a right place. Things need to be where they belong.

But we also live in a messed up, broken world. And our lives are also messed up.

We’re powerless to put things where they should be.

But that’s why God sends us his Son Jesus into the world.

Jesus is the ultimate Algorithm behind the universe.

So if we hand our lives over to Jesus, we will be in place with the True Algorithm.

Jesus will put things where they should be.

But sadly, Jesus won’t fix our Rubik’s Cube. For that, we’re still going to need a 10 year old to help us.

John 1:14
Colossians 1:15-20

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