Why "Galaxy Quest" Is Way Better Than Expected
“Galaxy Quest” (1999) is a satire of “Star Trek.”
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The movie was more funny than I expected – especially because of Sam Rockwell’s character “Guy”.
Guy has no name. That’s why he’s just called Guy.
Guy knows this is not a good thing.
Because any movie character without a name is the expendable extra.
He’s the Guy the movie kills off because no-one cares.
But at the end of the movie, Guy is given a name. So now he knows he’s safe. He belongs.
But isn’t that also us?
Aren’t we the expendable extra in the universe?
The universe doesn’t care about us. It simply kills us off.
But Jesus knows our name. In fact, Jesus writes our name into his Book of Life.
We belong in Jesus’ storyline. We have a part to play.
But let’s hope it’s not a singing part, because I’m terrible at music.
Hebrews 2:12
Revelation 3:5
Luke 10:20
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